Contagious Content

Contagious Content

100+ Post Ideas & Audio Guide Designed to Help You You Grow an Online Following that Knows, Likes and Trusts You

100+ Post Ideas and Audio Guide

designed to get your audience engaged and excited to talk!

Let's Make it EASIER For People To Know, Like, and Trust You

Conversations are KEY to Growing  Your Audience and Making More Sales

Are your customers talking with you on social media? 🤔 

If no - continue reading. I got a solution to this problem. 

Humans like yourself do not want to talk with robots, or bots or strangers. They want to connect, share, learn and grow.

Now is the time to stop being ignored and start creating some CONTAGIOUS CONTENT! 

Learn how to make STRATEGIC POSTS that get people from being disinterested and unengaged to being absolutely hooked on every single word you have to say online.

I’m Denise Lee, confidence booster, plan maker, and all ‘round partner in coaching you to the greatness you were born to be.

I help savvy business owners like you cut through the crap and see things for how they are, not for how you’d like them to be.

I help you come up with plans that are realistic for your stage of business. I help empower you to know who you are and what you want to accomplish.

And I do it because, for far too long, I was dying inside, thinking that I needed somebody to affirm me and make me feel like I was worth attention.

I did not realize that the power was already inside of me and it is within ALL OF US.

Feeling good about myself is intrinsically tied to growing my business for so long.

And if you are covering up shit that is blocking you emotionally and spiritually, then you will not grow. I want to be the support people like you need me to be, that second pair of eyes, to help you grow emotionally and professionally.

A Friendly Warning:
I do NOT believe that there is only ONE way to grow a business and I do NOT mind telling you when you are hurting yourself and your chances of success. 

What Will You Learn
From Contagious Conversations?

Getting more engagement is pretty simple when you understand your audience, what they are looking for, and what they WANT the most.

We are going to take a big deep dive into the nuts and bolts on the common issues and interests of your prospective customers, what they want and how they can view you as a person of authority that demands their attention.

I am going to give you 100+ post ideas to get people engaged and talking on issues that matter most to them. 

Make your prospective customers feel an instant connection with you. 

To help you alongside the process I have enclosed an audio guide that explains how and why to use each type of post.

These strategies are universal and it does not matter if you use LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. 

This solution is PERFECT if you who to grow an audience - 
WITHOUT ADS, fancy gimmicks or posting ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.


Imagine having people coming to YOU naturally through your words without FIGHTING for attention online.

🚫Feeling like a complete loss as to what to post online.

🚫Sending 5,220 mediocre email messages hoping that SOMEONE will open it up.

🚫 Trying to appeal to everyone, hoping that someone, ANYBODY will consume your content

Increase your online exposure in a natural and easy way with great content. Get more sales today through persuasive content.

 Oh yes, it is totally possible through Contagious Content

Learn How to Write Better
Make your prospective clients feel like you are inside of their heads, understanding their thoughts, sympathizing with their desires and needs.

You will find 20+ posts alone that help you connect with your clients in a deep and personal way.

Create a Content Schedule that Works For YOU!
When you have a great list of content ideas you can organize your time better.

Choose content that attains specific goals or objectives.  For example, sprinkle my promotion posts on the week days and add fun inspiration posts on the weekends.

Get Better Metrics.
Once you start getting interest and traffic you can pile on more content that your audience will love to receive.

Use the information from your content metrics to create targeted ads and get even more traffic to your business.

Grow Your Audience - FASTER
Become known as a leader in your community. Create content people will LOVE to read and over and over again.

And once people start to like your content, other people in their community will be able to see it as well. This will help you to grow your audience of people who will come to know, like and trust you as an authority figure.

RESULTS From Contagious Conversations

BONUS One-Hour Content Training Video!

💎 💎GEMS💎💎  Of Content Juiciness.....

Take a big plunge into my mind as I talk about....

💎HOW you can speak with CONFIDENCE

💎How to make content FUN  

💎Creating your calendar FULL of new ideas  

💎Taking your online conversation from online to OFFLINE.

I WANT THIS! How Much To Grow My Audience Online?

You are getting 100+ content ideas about how to inspire, educate, motivate as well as to stat conversation is alone worth $100 but you are going to get it for the special price listed below. 

💎PLUS Get My One-Hour Training Video (Valued at $100)

Contagious Conversation is $200 WORTH OF VALUE......

BUT TODAY, get it at this special NEW CLIENT PRICE.

Contagious Conversations

$49 USD

  • 100+ posts to get people engaged.

Buy Now

Get this SPECIAL OFFER while you have the time.

You DESERVE to be successful.
  You DESERVE more ideal clients.  
 It all starts with some CONTAGIOUS CONVERSATIONS.

Get it TODAY!